Copyrighted By Willow Valley Holistic Lifecoach ©️

Willow Valley Holistic LIfecoach

CEO of Willow Valley Holistic Lifecoach

Welcome to Marlene's Biography

Marlene is a Holistic LifeCoach, Therapist, Counsellor, Support Worker, Mentor & Inspirational Motivator. She is Trained in Supporting those who are Domestic Violence Survivors, Cancer Patience & their loved ones - From Diagnoses, through treatment, and also through Bereavement Care.

As a Nutritionist, Marlene, Specialises in Eating Disorders, Weight Management, Planning Healthy Balanced Diet-Food Menu's, Food Hygiene, & can also share tips on, How to Prep foods, Exercise, & much more.

Marlene is an Award Winning Motivational Speaker.. She is a Facilitator, Deliver Talks, Speeches, on Various Subjects.. A Planner & Trainer of Setting-up Committees, Businesses, & Community Groups. Adding to Marlene's wealth of expertise.. Marlene is also a Health & Wellbeing Advocate. And Empowers Women to reach their full potential.. These are just some of the area's, of her expertise.

Global Clients Testimonies

During my travels, I've met some amazing people, who then became clients. Having clients globally, has been such an amazing experience, especially seeing their lives change positively.

Jessie's Testimony

Thank you Marlene, for all your help & support. You came into my life at the right time, when I was going through a very difficult time. Your non judgement, ability to put me at ease, is a great skill you have. In the short time, that you were here in Rome. You gave me the tools, that I could self help myself, towards happiness. I couldn't thank you enough. And I've gone onto to do great things now in my life. Thank you Marlene, You are like my guardian Angel.

Amato's Testimony

Willow Valley Holistic Lifecoach, You are the best. I can't thank you enough. I found it difficult to not be negative about life, & this was also affecting my work life & relationships. Your happy smile, always positive, & structuring, helped me to change my mindset, as you call it :) I have learnt so much about myself, setting realistic goals, & learning how to stay positive. Since the therapy sessions, my relationships & working life has improved greatly. Marlene I'm so happy to have been Counselled by you. Thanks for being amazing. Amato

Are You Looking to Start a New Venture In Your Life? However You Are Finding It Hard to Break Free of The Past..
. Do You Struggle With Trust Issues?
. Do You Lack Confidence, Low Self Esteem?
. Do You Find It Difficult to Keep Friendships & Relationships?
. Do You Sometime Feel That You are Stuck In a Rut?
. Have you Been In a Controlling Relationship & Struggling to Find Yourself?
If The Answer Is Yes! To any of The Above.. And You'd love to Find The Skills & Solutions.. Then Why Not Book A Free Consultation Today.This Could Be the Opportunity You've Been Waiting For.


If you love to paint or if you have never painted before. I run group Art therapy classes, & one 2 one. This is a great way to express through art, colour & relaxation.


Have You Ever Thought About, Wanting To Gain Inner Knowledge & Inner Peace - Mindset Switch?
Have You Ever Wanted To Find Out More About Self Love?
Have You Ever Wondered How To Be Success - In Business - Relationship - Career?
IF THE ANSWER IS YES! Why Not Enquire or Sign Up Today..
Day Time Retreats
Weekends Away Available Now..
Alternative Remedies For a Healthier Life Style.. By using natural ingredients, produces, herbal, & ground foods.. Can have long term health benefits..

If you're interested in seeking a Holistic Therapist why not email me.

We Look Forward To Welcoming You Back To Willow Valley Holistic Lifecoach

© Willow Valley Holistic Lifecoach. All rights reserved.

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